Art Madness CD-ROM VOLUME I now available… Over 10,000 Art files and movies! Art Madness Volume I, CD-ROM features a theme of “Science and Art.” Over 10,000 clip art images are provided in black and white bitmap and 24 bit color space images. This volume includes 10,000 bitmap images from the collection of Rich Wald, over 100 items from SCAD courtesy of Jim Alley, classic photos from Reginald Muhl and 48 great space photos. Movies are provided for easy viewing of the contents of the disk using the AMUG QT Remote player. AMUG QT Remote In order to properly play these movies you will need to be sure to install QuickTime 1.5 or higher as these movies use Apple’s Compact Video compression. QT Remote allows you to play one of the clips provided or play them all. You will find QuickTime version 1.6 in the AMUG:Apple:QuickTime 1.6 folder. Drop the init on your closed system folder and it will install it appropriately.   To play a movie simply click its name with the mouse. To play all movies push the “Play” button. Selecting a file and then clicking on “Play” will play all movies from that point. Clicking on the “Pause” button will pause the movie currently playing and rename the button “Resume.” Clicking on the “Resume” button will cause the movie to continue playing. The AMUG Video Controller will allow you to view the huge library of clip art provided. All of the files are in pict format, so use your favorite compatible paint program to manipulate the files as you wish. Rich Wald Series... For the first time ever we have provided Art Madness purchasers the Rich Wald series of clip art in Pict, Stacks and Movie format. These formats will make it easy for you to find the category and file you are looking for. The movies provided automatically view each page at 1 second increments. Once you find the page you are looking for you can copy it from the pict file or the movie files using simple player on this CD-ROM. SCAD Images... Our next group of pict, eps, and movies is a collection of over 100 pieces of art from teachers and students at the Savannah College of Art and Design. These items of interest can be viewed by “QT Remote” as well and copied from simple player or your paint program. Read the text file in this section for more info on SCAD and SMUG. Thanks to Jim Alley for providing this interesting collection. Classic Photos from Reginald Muhl... This collection consists of four classic photos of nature. Chipper is a great shot of a chipmunk. Declining prairie is a barn in the middle of a vast field of wheat. Steps includes a fantastic forest scene of which we have no others to match its quality. These are 640*480 versions as well for working with video or background scenes. Science Photos from Space... This collection consists of forty eight of the nicest space them picts we could assemble. There are 640*480 versions as well for working with video or background scenes. We have also included great animation files from Fred Kuentz. These include his “Sky Queen,” Satellites and more. For more info on Fred read the read me files in his folder. License Individuals or companies may utilize the clips on Art Madness in their creations/presentations provided the user is a registered user with Arizona Macintosh Users Group and that all applications or uses contain credit acknowledging AMUG for any part or portion of the files used. Art Madness—Only $59! If you’re interested in computer art, Art Madness it the CD-ROM for you. Call or fax us to order your copy today! How to order: “Art Madness” retails for $79 but you can get it for only $59 from Insanely Great Software. Phone: 800-368-5195 or 303-872-8651. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Mail: Adam Stein, Insanely Great Software, 126 Calvert Ave. E., Edison, NJ 08820 Email: AdamStein on AOL, 71140,2051 on Compuserve, and on the Internet. Fax: 908-632-1766 Checks and money orders should be made payable to Insanely Great Software. We accept Visa and MasterCard.